Friday, March 21, 2014

Writing with Light Group Experiment

ISO 100 F/5.6 SS 1 second. 

This photo came out great because the subject stood very still and the light was moving at the correct time the shutter was open. This was my favorite shot because the contrast is great and the subjects face is seen with limited shadows against the dark background.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Motion Blog Assignment 2

Blurred Motion: These are visually appealing because they can show motion without having everything in the photo completely focused and clear.

 Frozen motion: These are visually appealing because they show motion while all subjects are clear and focused and do not give a feeling of motion sickness.

 Panning: These are visually appealing because they show only one subject in focus while everything else is blurred. This helps give points of emphasis.

Zooming: These are visually appealing because they give a great sense of motion or flying towards or away from a subject.

Writing with Light: These are visually appealing because they show great contrast between the dark background and bright lights being written with.

Chrono: These are visually appealing because they show shot by shot the motion a subject is doing. They show the full extent of the motion, not just one frame of it.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Motion Blog Assignment 1

Zooming: Once you press the button and the shutter opens you zoom in and create this look with a low shutter speed.

 Writing with Light: Using a very low shutter speed you can use light to write with while the shutter is open.

 Panning: Move your camera with the subject while only focusing on the subject with a medium shutter speed.

Frozen: Using a very high shutter speed you can capture a motion frozen in the air with no blur.

Chrono: Take multiple pictures with a high shutter speed and photoshop them together.

Blurred: With a very low shutter speed a photo taken while a subject is in motion causes the subject to become very blurry.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Aperture Quiz




It was hard to see the difference in the blurriness of the photos until they were on my computer