Monday, June 2, 2014

Creative Techniques Final

Circular Cut Distortion

 Geometric Cut Distortion

 Hand Colored Gradient

Halftone Screen

 Hand Colored
Image Overlay 

 Hand Colored Selection Tool

Symmetrical Pattern


 Texture Screen

 Vertical Cut Distortion

Personally I prefer doing "straight photography." Learning the more abstract style was very eye opening. I loved learning about how to use photoshop. I never knew all the things it was capable of. Even though learning abstract was really fun, I prefer taking and editing "straight photographs." I like feeling more in touch with my photography and I feel like less editing the more pure and naturally beautiful the photograph is. Don't get me wrong. I think that abstract photography is very artistic and takes loads of practice and I have much respect for those who work with it. I prefer taking and construction more realistic looking photography.