Monday, April 28, 2014

Motion Final

Zooming ISO 100 F/22 SS 1/4 I used a tripod for this photo. You need a slower shutter speed to get this effect. Make sure you are zoomed either all the way in or all the way out. Once you press the button the shutter will open and then you either zoom in or out at your subject. 

Chrono ISO 800 F/5 SS 1/1,000 You will need a tripod for this photo because all of your photos have to be in the exact same spot. Take all the photos you need trying to not have the people overlap. Once you have all the pictures go into photoshop and photoshop them together. Once they are put together then go back and edit the final picture.

Blurred ISO 600 F/16 SS 1/50 You will need a slow shutter speed for this picture. Your background will have to be completely still so they are not blurry and once the subject is in motion take the picture and repeat this until you get the effect you are looking for. I used a tripod for this photo. If you do not, the camera shake can cause the photo to be blurry.
Writing with Light ISO 800 F/25 SS 15.0 You will need an extremely low shutter speed and a tripod to achieve this. Turn the lights off and use a flashlight or a camera flash light. Once you press the button and open the shutter, move the light around in the design you want and be sure to do a little trial and error to get practice where as this kind of photo can be a little tricky to master.

Frozen ISO 1600 F/5.6 SS 1/1,600 You will need a lot of sun light and a high shutter speed. The only way to get the shutter speed needed for this photo is to have a lot of light and a low ISO. You do not need a tripod to achieve this kind of photo. Once your subject is in motion snap pictures to get a frozen motion. I used continuous shooting which helped me a lot when trying to capture these movements.

Panning ISO 200 F/16 SS 1/50 You will need a medium shutter speed in order to capture this effect. When your subject is in motion, follow the subject with your camera as you snap the picture. Try to match their speed and movement to be able to keep the subject in focus. I also used continuous shooting with this effect because it gave me more results to choose from. Trial and error is key for this photo.

          I found lots of success with this project when I shot the photos outside in a lot of day light. It makes the pictures easier to see and easier to take because you will have a larger selection of shutter speeds to choose from. A failure I had was that my chrono photos weren't all in the exact same spot. This made photoshopping them together a little harder. If I were to do this project over again I would try to use a better tripod and be more careful when taking the actual photographs.

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